Okay, so it’s not a three-picture deal with Paramount, but it’s something, anyway.
“Screening Process” is going to be included on the Best of the National Film Challenge 2004 DVD.
Yes, that means you will soon be able to buy your very own copy, along with the other “Top 15” films.
In honor of the occasion (well, frankly, just a coincidence, but an apt one), I’ve put a copy of our first short (originally produced as my directorial audition for Project Greenlight 3), “Loose Ends,” up on our website. Give it a look, and feel free to blast away at my directorial naïveté. Still, I enjoy watching it to this day, so it can’t be all bad.
The 48 Hour Film Project is getting closer... and this one will be twice as exciting as last year (hint, hint)...