Sunday, January 07, 2007

Bicoastal Machinations

We’ve got not one but two screenings to highlight today.

First, “Machinations” has just been accepted into the Science Fiction Short Film Festival, taking place February 3 in Seattle, Washington. We’re pretty damned proud of this little accomplishment, and are really excited about the opportunity to showcase all of our hard work to an appreciative audience. If anyone wants to fly out — or if any of our West Coast contingent wants to give it a look-see (not to mention giving us the chance to catch up) — let us know and we can get tickets and coordinate schedules!

Congratulations — and my personal thanks — to everyone involved in our achieving this honor.

And more locally (well, for our DC-based contingent anyway), the film will be screening at 4:00 p.m. on January 13 at the Arlington Cinema and Drafthouse. This screening will be a showcase of locally-produced films for the National Film Challenge, and we’re really happy to have this venue in which to host it (sure beats the hell out of my office’s common room). Tickets are only $5 apiece — and since it’s a restaurant to boot, there’ll be plenty of food and drink available as well. We really want a big turnout for this one — especially since theater revenue (well, once we recover the amount we paid to get the theater in the first place) will be divvied up by which film attendees are there to support (you’ll have a chance to express your preference upon entry). Frankly, it’d be nice to make back some of our expenses for a change... So while we’ll understand if you can’t make it all the way out to Seattle, this one there’s no excuse for missing...

Well, unless you’re a left-coaster, of course.

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