Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Hour Fast Approaches...

I know I, for one, am surprised at how quickly the 48 Hour Film Project has come. Yes, for those of you who haven’t checked your calendars lately, the competition is in just two weeks — May 4th through the 6th. And as usual, it seems like we’ve got a lot of work to do between now and then.

I’ve already heard from several of our regulars regarding their availability, but many others either have not yet responded or were tentative in their commitments. If you fall into one of those latter categories (or if your plans have changed), please let me know as soon as possible if you’ll be able to join us this time around. The big shooting day will be Saturday the 5th, but we could also use some editing and postproduction help through Sunday, if you’re so inclined.

In addition, as always, we are on the lookout for interesting or unusual locations, props, or other quirky components you may be able to contribute to the effort (or, frankly, regular locations, props, or components). So please pass those along so we can start assembling our list of potential “assets”; we’ll want to have a fairly complete inventory of our capabilities for the writers to work with — no sense writing in a 1955 Chevy if we don’t actually have one (and if we do have one, we’d be crazy not to write it in).

More details on the specifics to come across the next two weeks, so stay tuned!

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